Military Ged - North Little Rock, Ark. - Teachers and staff from his GED Plus program in the National Guard hugged and cheered graduates across the stage to receive their General Education Development Certificate. It was a line that every student wanted to cross.

Tootie Halbrook, a certified Little Rock teacher, started the GED Plus program early and said every degree is like a first.

Military Ged

Military Ged

"I'm like a proud mom," Halbrook said. “These soldiers are risking their lives for my two children and me. All I can do is teach them as much as I can. I would like to do this job for free if possible. Not a job for me. It's like a personal crusade."

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The GED Plus pass rate has risen from his 80% in 2006 to his 98% in 2010. Halbrook said he worked hard to improve the curriculum to accommodate all learning styles.

Describing methods of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning activities, Halbrook says, "I often say that I teach using tricks." Just writing a smiley face or 100 percent on their paper is a great motivation for them to succeed.Even tough guys get mad if I don't do it.They need that kind of positive stroke ."

Pvt. Ricky W. Raynor of Mobile, Alabama described the obstacles of drugs and "gang rape" as the life he left to take a straighter, narrower path with the National Guard. Raynor found a kind of compassion and personal attention he had never experienced before.

"I was in and out of jail and stuff and got kicked out of school," he said. I know, the National Guard was my light at the end of the tunnel."I feel good," he said. "It's the greatest pride I've ever had." Raynor received a GED and Certificate of Merit for graduating in the top three of his class.

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Nationwide, 7,000 high school students drop out of school every day, according to the Alliance for Good Education. Return to Sardis, Mississippi. Christopher C. Neil became another statistic when he went from A student to misery when he started dating the wrong people.

"I started going out late at night, disrespecting my mom, and started partying and drinking," said Neil. “Well, around grade 11, school was almost over, so I dropped out. Now that I have my GED, I feel great! So I still have a chance."

Pvt. His Nathaniel S. Unruh of Anaheim, CA was selected by his peers for the GED Plus Peer Leadership Award. Unruh said he had a decent life for someone without a high school degree until the economy took a turn for the worse.

Military Ged

"For a year I've been trying to get out and find a job to support my family," said Unruh. "It didn't work out. My wife and I sat down and decided that the military was the best thing for our family and our children.Unruh said after graduating from college, he went to college and got a bachelor's degree. He plans to pursue a career as an officer in the military.

Community Outreach Program

In 1980, the United States had the highest high school graduation rate in the world. Since then, the country has fallen to 18th place among developed countries. In 2006, a former high school dropout to his GED alumni started his GED Plus program in the National Guard to help combat the dropout epidemic. About 18% of the US population, or 39 million adults, have not completed high school, according to statistical reports from the GED testing program.

Retired Lt. Gen. Clyde A. Vaughan, a former chief of the Army National Guard, knew what it was like to be left and left without a high school diploma. Vaughn has led the project and since the inception of the GED Plus program, the school has awarded more than 8,000 postgraduate degrees to soldiers in 54 states and territories. The program has grown rapidly and in 2009 facilitated the construction of a new 200,000-square-foot building with 22 classrooms, 12 barracks, and a dining hall that can accommodate 7,500 students annually.

The GED Plus program is located at the National Guard Professional Education Center at Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, Ark. As part of the program, students are exposed to both basic military training and a structured academic environment with training sergeants.

This state-of-the-art facility will open at 10:00 am on October 21 in honor of the late Jeffrey William his Sergeant Jordan who was murdered near Kakar, Afghanistan on June 4, 2009. Jordan earned his GED through his GED Plus on December 13, 2006. The agency also dedicates the GED Plus program to its visionary founder, Vaughn.

Do I Need A Diploma To Join The Military? — Grad Solutions

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